Religion in Gimle


1) Animists – The belief that all nature has a soul, each person, tree, and every plant and wildlife.

  • Ancestral beliefs
  • Nature belief
  • Elementists or followers of the great spirit
  • Sun and moon worshipers (gods of light)
  • (Elves are part of this category, even if they also have a link to the old gods of the vane, the children of Frejor).

2) The old gods – the pantheon of the 99 gods.

More or less a dead religion only some myths and traditions left. Nomads still believe in them.
See the timeline for more information.

3) The “goodless” – or followers of the silent god, or the great Dark Void.

There are no gods and no divine powers, and we live at the end of times and this is our last life and we better gather as much power and pleasure as we can.
All doomsday beliefs fall into the godless category, for example, worshipping of Loke and the Fenris wolf.

(Orcs belong to this category, even if they also consider themselves children of Jotnaror (which explains where they come from). Dark elves are also included in the godless category and all others that want to crush and dominate.)

4) The Norse gods
Asatro (Norse mythology)

People worshipping one of the Asa gods among the following: Toror, Odenor, Lokor, Frej, Baldor, Tyror, Heimdor, Frejor, Njord, or Skader, Vidor, Hödeor Bragor, Idon, Ullor, Skollor.

(Norse are part of this religion, as well as some citizens of Gimleby, that have Norse roots)

5) The Deomodron religion

There is only one deity – it’s the two-faced god Deomodron, the mother earth and the father sky.
The most modern, and common among people.

(Kingdom of Westmark, Saxions, also worshipped in Golden Empire but under different order).


Choose a level of religious commitment:

  1. Prayer, you acknowledge your faith in words.
  2. Walker, you take part in rituals, even a pilgrimage.
  3. Preacher, you try to convert others (can be combined with other professions)
  4. Fanatic, you militantly try to convert people and also work against other religions. (can be combined with other professions)


The power of religion

Believers are more self-confident, less scared, and less confused.
Believers of the same faith create stronger groups. If a person thinks that their god is pleased with them they act with more bravery and confidence.

Religious leaders like shamans, priests, and völvas also have powers that resemble magic. In order to awaken these powers they need to perform rituals. The effect of these rituals only has an effect on the ones that believe in the ritual. The ritual must always include worship and sacrifice or the gift to the god.

  • Healing power – the body points can be increased by a Völva/Shaman/Priest ( with the use of blue stone) see the mechanics
  • Transfer – to transfer body points from their own bodies to another person. Not more than 1 HP
  • Force a believer to speak the truth (answer truthfully yes/no to three questions).
  • Persuasion – to make someone be positive towards the völva/priest
  • Create a warrior that feels no pain (berserk), but can not stop fighting once they start. They still get hurt. Each group can do it only once per game. A very big ritual is required.
  • Create an oath in the eyes of the gods. The more people that listen, the stronger the oath.
  • Release someone from an oath.
  • Foresight – to see things in the future (must be given explicitly given by orga/grey cloaks ).
  • Predict the weather (check the weather forecast)
  • Communicate with the dead.
  • Curse – to give someone bad luck. Black dot on the forehead.
  • Gain luck by honoring, worshipping, and sacrificing to a god. Green dot on the forehead.
  • Create or evoke a magical being (together with ORG)


Religious battle

Some religions want to spread and have many disciples. This pleases some of the more “greedy” gods.
Gods also like when worshiped and when getting sacrifices. The religious currency in Gimle is symbolized by small white stones. They can and should be used during religious ceremonies at the different holy shrines.

More aggressive doomsday religions should use black stones. These white and black stones can be found in special places in nature.

Religious preachers can also get stones to Nifelheim if performing a ritual there with at least 5 followers. The stones that are sacrificed at the holy shrines will remain there and be counted. The religion with the most stones will “win” and get favors from the gods. One may, if one dares, approach another religion’s holy shrine and sacrifice stones of the opposite color against that religion.

The Religions in detail

    The ancient beliefs, different versions of animism

    Everything is alive, and the power of life runs through you and nature in a balanced cycle of death and birth. The divine speaks through nature and weather.

    Your ancestors are directly manifested in nature. In a boulder, or a tree, or an animal. And you will become one of these things as well. Certain ancestors are more powerful and are worshiped as gods.

    Believers have a chosen totem spirit: Animal totems, The moose, the bear, the wolf, etc.
    Other totems: special trees, a mountain, lakes, waterfall e t c
    Purpose of life: Worship of the divine spirit in all forms and actions.
    Creation of earth: The earth is built by the skeletons of all that has lived and thus it expands, it started with one seed of oak floating in space and collided with a drop of water, and from that The first tree of everything was created.

    After death: Become a specific part of nature. Rebirth either part as of nature or as an animal or a person.
    Ways of worship: prayer, sacrifices, pilgrimage, chanting
    Place of worship: the graveyard and any specific shape in nature, a tree with bones hanging from it.
    Ceremony: Use bones, and possessions of the dead…
    Song/chant: Exclusive or inclusive: Inclusive but not converting
    Rewards: Your ancestor’s guidance and strength. Rebirth in a powerful entity.

    What is holy: Everything in nature, special places, special
    Artifacts: skulls, skeletons, and bones.
    Symbol: A tree of life.
    Hand sign: Touch the heart with an open hand and then turn the palm to the sky and then flipping the palm facing the ground.

    Saying: We live through them

    Elementists or followers of the great spirit

    Worship and respect the balance of the elements, never letting one or the other be too influential.

    Earth/soil = stable, resistant, productive, caring, indifferent
    Fire = daring, breaking, passion, violent, creative (the element of the sun)
    Water = sensual, wisdom, mild, unstable, unreliable (the element of the moon)
    Wind = chaos, impulsive, change, clarity, cunning (the mood of the great spirit)

    Purpose of life: Pursuit of knowledge (in nature) and the respect of wisdom/ cunningness.
    Creation of earth: The dark void of total silence collapsed into an explosion into the four elements through which the great spirit talks. The elements came together and created the earth and all the universe.
    After death: Be part of the great spirit.

    Ways of worship: prayer, sacrifices, pilgrimage, chanting
    Place of worship: Where the elements are strong: Academy, forests, Nifelheim
    Ceremony: Uses artifacts connected with specific elements of nature.
    Song/chant: Fire, water, earth, and air run the circle of life and death.

    Exclusive or inclusive: Inclusive but not converting
    Rewards: The presence of the spirit as a strong feeling of vitality.
    What is holy: The pure elements
    Artifacts: Artifacts that are connected with specific elements of nature.

    Symbol: Each element has its own sign
    Hand sign: Touch your forehead with a fist and then open your hand in one of the element signs:

    Fire: spread fingers upwards, in front of your face
    Water: Touch your tongue and then hold out your palm
    Earth: One knee to the ground and the palm of the hand to the ground
    Air: Circle both palms around each other

    Saying: Greeting: In you, (the other answers) in me, (both say) in everyone.

    (Elves are part of this category, even if they also have a link to the old gods of the vane, the children of Frejor Academy are part of this religion as well ).

    Gods of light – worshipers of the sun and the moon

    Purpose of life: Pursuit of peace and the virtue of gentleness and unselfishness. Order and structure.
    Creation of earth: The earth is the child of the sun and the moon. The human spirit and all living are a combination of the energy light from the sun and the moon.
    Ways of worship: prayer, sacrifices, pilgrimage, chanting, sunbaths, moon baths, meditation
    Place of worship: Sunset/rise and moonrise and set and the moon at its highest point.

    Exclusive or inclusive:

    What is holy: the sun and the moon.
    Hand sign:

    Saying: One under the sun

    Fanatics version of the good of light – Lightning and fire.
    Revolution, change, the overthrow of power

    Purpose of life: Pursuit of equality and freedom for all
    Symbol: a lightning

    Saying: A new dawn

    The godless

    Or followers of the silent god, or the worshippers of the great Dark Void.
    There are no gods and no divine powers, we live at the end of times and this is our last life and we better gather as much power and pleasure as we can.

    Purpose of life: Live as long as possible. Pursuit of power and the respect of strength and cunning.
    Creation of earth: All that shines and can be touched was created a few generations ago when all the known gods died in a battle with fire and ice. And all matter is made out of dead gods.
    After death: Nothing, Entrance of the void.

    Ways of worship: chanting, meditation, cursing the living, and all stupid god believers
    Place of worship: When someone dies, a celebration (and a sharing of that person’s belongings, the strongest picks first).

    Ceremony: No priests, but dark shamans
    Song/chant: Who would listen to it?
    Exclusive or inclusive: Inclusive, or… we don’t give a damn
    Rewards: None, we all stand alone

    What is holy: nothing, it’s all filth
    Symbol: A scull
    Hand sign: Your open hand slicing your throat

    Saying: Out of nothing, into nothing…. or: When all is dead
    Fanatic version: The sooner the earth comes to an end the better. Kill something, crush something, burn something.

    (Orcs belong to this category, even if they also consider themselves children of Jotnaror (which explains where they come from).)

    All doomsday beliefs fall into the godless category, for example, worshipping of Loke and the Fenris wolf. Also, Dark elves are included in the godless category and all others that want to crush and dominate.

    The Norse gods

    Norse gods of all kinds, just add -or to the end of a Norse god name (like Toror or Odinor). Otherwise the same as Norse mythology.

    Purpose of life: To Die an honorable death
    Creation of earth: The world was created from the remains of the giant Ymir. The three brothers dragged Ymir’s lifeless body toward the center of Ginnungagap, the place where they created the world from the remains of the giant. The blood became the oceans, rivers, and lakes. The flesh became the land.
    After death: Helheim or Valhalla.

    Ways of worship: Prayer, sacrifices, pilgrimage, chanting.
    Place of worship: Nifelheim.

    Exclusive or inclusive: Inclusive and converting.
    Rewards: A place in Valhalla with heroes and honor to your name and family

    What is holy: Your word and your honor.
    Artifacts: Something that can be connected with Old gods, for example, the horn of Odinor, the hammer of Thoror etc.
    Symbol: Helm of Awe as well other Norse Runes.
    Hand sign:

    Saying: Hail (and add your favorite Norse god)

    The Pantheon of 99 gods

    Ione, God of Life and light. Sone, God of decay and the night sky. Eton, the God of balance, Asssur, the God of fertilization and growth and others of 99 gods. The decline of the pantheon of 99 gods on the continent is connected with the rise of the monotheistic religion of Deomodron. Not practiced much, read the history timeline for more information.

    Purpose of life: Serve and worship as many gods from 99 as you could, with the 9 most powerful.
    Creation of earth: The ancient 100 gods sacrificed one of themselves and the moon was created. The 99 gods lift a fireball from inside a volcano at the bottom of the ocean and place the sun on the sky, which warms up the world. And connected the land of Fae with the western realms.
    After death: Entering the realm you worshipped the most during your life.

    Ways of worship: Prayer, sacrifices, pilgrimage, chanting.
    Place of worship: Fire Shrine of Serena.

    Exclusive or inclusive: Inclusive and converting.
    Rewards: A place in Valhalla with heroes and honor to your name and family
    What is holy: Abundance
    Artifacts: Something that can be connected with 99 Gods
    Symbol: A spiral
    Hand sign:

    Deomodron – the One and Only god

    One god called Deomodron has two faces:
    Mother – Chaos, creativity, richness, power
    – Order, modesty, peace, wisdom

    Purpose in Life:
    Live in order and balance, keep yourself pure, and follow the principles. Help others do the same so we may all live in the Eternal Garden.

    Creation of earth: He, the father sang a song in the darkness and the silence and she, the mother, heard it and started dancing to the tunes and it grew into a symphony and a wild dance across the dark void that brought all the stars together and the words of the song created the sky and the dance created the soil upon which the humans and all other beings walk.

    After death: One day, when all humans worship the mother and father they will merge into one and the one faceless god will return an create the eternal garden where all humans, dead and alive, will live for an eternity and more.

    Ways of worship: prayer, sacrifices, pilgrimage, chanting, and songs.
    Place of worship: Temples, Shrines, The Temple of Modron.
    Ceremony: Remembrance Ritual, Sacrament of Adoption, Commencement Rite, Ordination Ceremony.
    Song/chant: there are many

    Exclusive or inclusive: Inclusive and converting
    Rewards: Luck in life. Life in the eternal garden.
    What is holy: Balance
    Artifacts: The Scripturis Sanctis,
    Colors: no special color, usually the color of the house, for Temple of Modron: white & gold.

    Symbol: Circle with a line through it, a face looking forward: many versions of it. Father sky can have stars, the Mother part can have earth and trees.
    Hand sign: Two fists over each other in front of the solar plexus
    Alternative Handsign: Flat hand between the eyes
    Saying: For the mother – for the father – for all of us. Until we meet – in the eternal garden / The one and only true God

    Fanatic version: The one and only faceless god will return

    Sacred place: Temple of Deomodron, Island of Modron
    “Serving in White”: a phrase meaning being a Clergy serving the Island itself instead of being part of a national specific church.

    The 7 Holy Principles: 

    1. There is only One True God, Deomodron.
    2. You must live your life in balance and order.
    3. You must not worship false gods or idols or demons.
    4. You must not misuse or disrespect God’s name.
    5. You must follow the Holy principles in order to live in the Eternal Garden.
    6. It is your duty to preach the faith and help others be saved.
    7. Listen to those who speak in God’s name.

    Rank & Structure

    1. Speaker/Holiness  Head of all of Deomodron Faith. The one On the Isle of Modron.
    2. Exarch: Head of the Church of Kingdoms/Nations
    3. Hierophant: Head of the Church for a house or dutchy.
    4. High priest
    5. Priests
    6. Clerics (lowest level of the clergy)
    7. Laity(the people)

    While Exarchs and Hierophants serving in the various nations are usually one per city or per kingdom the temple itself has in its own ranks clergy that have reached those ranks serving in white.

    Honorary titles/jobs: Paladins (holy knights), Monk & Nun,
    Soldier titles: Faith militant/warrior (warriors devoted to church, led by clergy)

    Orders: Order of the Red Tower, Order of the Fang, Custodians of the Pyre, Ordo Sanctorum, Ordo Scriptus, The Censorate of Apostasy.

    Additional information and writings

    The Speaker

      Highest authority in the deomodron religion is the speaker of the Island of Modron. He is the head of the religion and the head of the Temple of Modron itself. 

      During their years in service they do not leave the Island, instead sending representatives such as Abbots or Hierophants in their place. 

       Most importantly they are responsible for the Investiture of new Abbots and often Hierophants as well.

      Tale of the origin and spread of Deomodron

      Those turned away or disillusioned by other religions heard tales about the twin prophets of the new god, Deomodron. 

      They came to listen to their stories and teaching, becoming students and later missionaries themselves, spreading the word of Deomodron further into the towns, kingdoms and empires of the world. Despite initial persecution, the following grew and grew, some even making pilgrimages to visit the island where it all began.

      The mighty Golden Empire tried to fight the rising tide of this new religion, but their efforts were undone by their own naval presence. News and people travelled fast between the empire’s many port towns and consequently, so did religion. This religious movement would have surely endangered the rule of the eternal Golden Empress, who was worshipped as a god herself, but instead of fighting it through inquisition, her newest reincarnation declared herself a living aspect of Deomodron, and peace was kept.

      When Deomodron found the kingdoms of Westmark, their citizens were still recovering from recents plague and war. Some of them had left their county, becoming refugees in distant lands and upon returning came as converts, further spreading the religion among their people. This spread was faster than any lord or king could react to and so Westmark adopted Deomodron quickly, embracing its teachings and producing some of its most passionate students and preachers. When the new king was crowned, he did so under the name of the one true god – Deomodron, and promised to spread the faith as a follower. Westmark is now perhaps the nation most closely associated with the Deomodron, having a strong and oftentimes influential relationship with the council and the temple of their new deity simply due to the strong embrace of it.

      Church and State

      Across the nations exist 2 parallel structures, the island and Temple of Modron has its own cohorts of clerics, paladins, priests, Hierophants and Abbots, whose work is to spread the faith, represent the Speaker themselves in situations, deliver messages, assist local parishes etc etc. As well as all of their work in the island itself. 

      On the other hand every large kingdom or empire follows its own structure, with clerics and priests being in charge of temples, and typically Hierophants being the highest ranking clergy member in a city and Abbots being the title given to the highest ranking priest of a nation.

      So far only members of the  ecclesiarchy are able to anoint or  ordane new or existing members of the ecclesiarchy, with all Hierophants having to be anointed by the Speaker themselves in the Temple of Modron. 

      When it comes to kings they are usually blessed by a priest as part of their ascension to a throne or positions however that comes second to the coronation itself. 

      In the later years issues and questions have arisen over both the power of Kings to control members of the clergy and having powers of Investiture or vice versa Priests and the ecclesiarchy having more and more influence on new Kings. Westmark aligned priests have been raising the issue of the Golden Empress and her exercise of her powers overstepping the church and in reverse the Golden Empire and Alatarians raising issue about the influence of westmark aligned priests over the Temple itself. 

      While tensions are high on the religious front, a common goal of peace and prosperity in the name of the one true God is still what keeps the balance between the different denominations in check. 

      Unfortunately the same cannot be said for the nations themselves who many fear are on the brink of war. 

      Separation of the duality

      Deomodron is a two faced god (dual nature) not actually two separate gods. 

      Depending on the  religious order sometimes preachers refer to the father or the mother separately. It is however something that is very limited and  dependent on context. You can talk about the “sides” of Deomodron not treat them as different things. Dogmatic differences based on culture do exist however.

      Myths and legends of creation provide many different versions. Some books talk about 2 people/deities. We also meet them as separate figures in the Saxion religion as well.  

      For the past decades/centuries it is well established that deomodron is a single dual nature god. People preaching otherwise in the current age would be characterized from outdated all the way to Heretics. Reading stories from the old books that have them still separate is still accepted as it is acknowledged as a myth from which we  are to take meaning, and doesn’t always require a literal interpretation.

      Dogmatic differences

      Let us talk about three different types of dogmatic or doctrinal differences. 

      The first are the smaller issues, marriage, divorce, deviancy, celibacy, tolerance etc,

      Those vary drastically between nations without much controversy while the Temple has its own opinion it does not have the power nor wants to tell nations how to shape their own laws on such issues. And while the duality of God naturally influences the view of different people on gender, that is not always reflected in the law itself. 

      Secondly we have the absolute truths. What the Temple and all denominations hold as a baseline of the faith. Long decided and agreed upon. 

      Those are things like the Deomodron being the one true God, and their dual nature. What happens in death and the purpose in life. 

      Now lastly we have the actual important differences either between denominations themselves or struggles between a nation and the Temple itself.

      Spiritual over Temporal stance towards the Head of Faith mainly arising from the Golden Empire as an issue.

      Witchcraft, which while only the divine have the right to work miracles on this earth and any who make profane attempts to do the same is either punished or shunned. What counts as Witchcraft and what not is always a source of great debate. 

      Last but not least the power that rulers of nations have over the church and whether they submit themselves as servants of god is by far the biggest point of contention and struggle. 

      Q & A

      Do we have a holy text? 

      “Scripturis Sanctis” or Holy Texts is a collection of tens of books with thousands of pages. Priests read and know some parts and all have different stories or study different parts of the holy texts. Priest’s favorite pastime is arguing on the meaning of different translations. 

      Do we have an Angel equivalent like spirits or deities?

      No. we dont. We do refair often to the spirits of ancestors or saints but not as something that is here with us.

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